It's just bad that this blog is sorted from newest to oldest. Now, I am obligated to tell you that before you read this blog, feel free to run your sweaty fingers to the earlier blog posted barely an hour ago.
Alrightee. There is one phrase I saw there that I couldn't believe I just said. FAKE PEOPLE. Is there such a thing, a creature, that is certainly a person, but not a person?
Juggling with semantics and pop-ethymology, people came up with the idea of someone who's fake when they are either not sharing their GENUINE feelings to others. You may include people who back-stab another would be gullible bloke. Oh and yeah, you may include bipeds who decide that it is much, much better just to hide the negative side of their colleagues than share what they actually thought about it. I don't think they were fake to begin with. I am feeling more of a hypocrite right now.
In fact, I don't see the point why everybody, including me, keeps on fault-finding people who aren't genuine. I personally believe that "fakeness" is just part of the whole dogma of defense mechanisms. You fake it to avoid being vulnerable. You fake things because you want to get the upper-hand. You use this mechanism all the time. Just like, I don't know, denying you're gay?
In reference to the article below, I retract that statement. I wasn't trying to uncover fake people, but fake profiles. Again, I have nothing against them. I know you guys are just protecting your nuts for the whole homosexual annihilation that will happen when the Opus Dei becomes crazy... clinically.
Another useful blog presented to you by Half-Cooked Adobo. Seriously.
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