There is nothing about me. Besides, my identity should be incognito in order for me to write honestly. Things are just fucked up. I mean how society dictates the norms and how the church is fueling 'em. Pushing this blog to the mainstream is indeed out of the question.
But I would certainly love to. But I'd rather not.
Please, please. Help yourself with the pages of my blogs. You will find something interesting here, something that will churn your imagination or even break into sweat. All written here are mostly stuff that you will find off the internet that I have given a different color too. If you see some ideas that I am promulgating here beyond your understanding, please don't comment.
The rule of this blog is clear. I don't edit my work. If you find grammatical errors here, just shove it up my ass. Backspace is this blog's mortal enemy. It only gives me the temptation to filter my words and if I do that, the whole point of this exercise is doomed!
Read on people.