You know what, I am getting sick of the Church having to say about politics at all and making them public about it. This Supreme Court decision of allowing Ang Ladlad to join the roster of representative party-list is one they will not pass out! Out of nowhere, here they are with their mangled perception of what morality is, condemning the act of homosexuality an immoral act from god and it has to be banned yakkety yakkety!
Shut up, already!
I know that because a lot of Filipinos are Christians that gave them the power to have a say on a lot of issues being brought upon by, I don't know, radical idealists, social reformist and the likes, and actually influence people to stop the progress of the nation. Include the reproductive health bill in the scenario. They were against Reproductive Health bill because the bishops say that this tolerates the immoral act of copulating. What I am seeing actually is that they are hampering us indulging on the fact that we are humans. Take note on that. We are humans and part of our animal instincts is to have sex because we need to propagate our species (well, that responsibility has been given out to straight people). They are actually stopping us from being humans after all so that people will have the need for them.
Why can't they just stop their tracks right there and do as every other religion is doing? If it is for the progress of the nation, they why do they want to hamper it? Their perception of morality has already been redefined several times already. Your church is becoming old-fashioned. It's just stupid, I tell you, treating us as if we are children and they are the divine. I can name a lot of clergymen who is not as divine as you think they are based on your set guidelines. I can even name them as being homosexuals, mind you.
People are already feeling the need to change. A lot of the people I have talked to narrates on how they are still Christians but don't go to church regularly. I often tell them that you have no choice but to follow whatever your church is saying, one being going to church every Sunday. You don't have a say about it. That's why you are there, in the first place, proclaiming your faith in it. You don't generalize your own belief system out of what your church is proclaiming because you, if we are still in the 18th century, would have been charged with heresy and probably be burned to death! You are turning into pagans right before your mentors eyes. There are no excuses. If your church says that being a homosexual is an immoral act, then you ARE immoral. No questions about it. But what can you do? I see a lot of openly gay people serving the church, going to church as if they are not being castigated. I don't get it, honestly. The irony of it!
I don't blame everyone for turning another eye off their church. Because as far as I know, they know too well that if they follow the dogmas and teachings their church gives out to them, they'd be DEAD right now!
Another useful blog presented to you by Half-Cooked Adobo. Seriously.
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