You don't get that much publicity! While I am waiting for my cousin and my grandmother to drop by Robinson's Mall, I thought it is best to come up with another entry for this reviving blog.
Does it seem that I am writing because I am single? Maybe. I have mentioned before, even without much deliberation, that I'm currently running 4 blogs to date. I know, it's a handful.
So now, I have decided to update my PR page with a new picture. And this is what I got: 380 views. Who knew that picture could launch hundreds of ships! Yeah, yeah. You guys are right. It's just a number. What's quantity without quality, you say. I don't care. It's still 380!
What am I so excited about it anyway? The more people viewing me, the more chance that I get to be with someone I like, right? Wrong. I thought it's a little dangerous to do that because the more you get people viewing you, the more they get familiar with you.
Say for instance, there was one guy that kept on looking at me in a bus I was just on. As I got my ass back home, I opened PR and lo and behold: I got 2 messages from 2 separate guys who said that they've seen me in the bus.
Another useful blog presented to you by Half-Cooked Adobo. Seriously.